
Tuesday, May 15, 2012

A Very Special Delivery from Afghanistan

Hi friends!

Once again, I apologize for my absence on the blog lately. To say that my life has been crazy busy is an understatement! I am currently in the process of getting ready for my upcoming wedding on June 9th, packing to move out of my current apartment and trying to find a new job. We are so blessed to have found a beautiful home and we are now under contract. We are closing a few days after our honeymoon so I will be spending the summer getting settled into the new house. We are so excited!

I wanted to share with y'all a very special package we (my class) received in the mail yesterday. A couple of weeks ago, one of my kids' parents approached me with the idea to send a care package to his cousin, who is currently in Afghanistan. Of course, I jumped at the opportunity. I got my sweeties together and we wrote notes and drew pictures to our heroes in armed forces. This was a very special time in our classroom.

Yesterday we received a thank you package from our soldier friend, Armando. How thoughtful of him to send us a thank you package!! The goodies inside were unbelievable.......

First up was a collection of Afghanistan money. Too cool! We compared our American currency with that of Afghanistan.

Pins he gave us.....

Items from his uniform. The American flag is placed on their uniform as a protective measure. When soldiers are in planes looking down at the ground, they are able to look through certain goggles to see the America flag through infra-red lenses. This lets them know they are good guys.

This was the COOLEST thing ever!! An American flag was flown in honor of us. This was so special to all of us. This is definitely going in a frame! How thoughtful of him.

This is the picture of everything we received.

What really made my heart smile was the fact that he wrote each individual child a lengthy thank you note. For him to take the time to do that really showed his gratitude. It touched my heart.

This was such an honor to receive this. I did not expect anything in return, but it completely made our day. If you get a chance, I highly encourage you to send a care package to a solider. It will mean more to them than you may know.

Have a great week!


  1. Okay, since you didn't tell us I have to ask...looking for a new job?!?

    Please share!

    p.s. I miss our bloggy friends forever relationship!! Hope all is well!

    Creating & Teaching

  2. How neat!!
    Can't wait to see some pics of your wedding!

  3. What a neat package. :) Good luck with all your busy plans!


    Sprinkles to Kindergarten

  4. That is super cool! I was student teaching when my husband was in Iraq, and we had my kinders do a care pack for him and his buddies. This reminded me of that time in my life. It obviously meant a lot to the person you send your package to. Thanks for supporting our troops!

  5. I have awarded you with the One Lovely Blog award!!! Please hop on over to my blog and check out all the details!!! Congratulations again!!

