
Wednesday, February 1, 2012

My absence, NAEYC, and a new unit on the way!

I am so sorry for my lack of posting. This has been a tough couple of days with my close friend losing her mom. I have traveled 8 hours to be with her and I am getting ready to go to the funeral and then travel another 8 hours back to Lubbock. If you don't mind, would you say a prayer for her? This is such a difficult time in her life and I want to shower her with prayers and love.

I also got word that NAEYC (National Association for the Education of Young Children) will be coming to visit our preschool within the coming weeks. This is our accreditation year, so things will be a little stressful until they come. Have y'all heard of NAEYC or have any of you been through the accreditation process? This will be my first time, so I am a bit nervous.

Things will be back to normal for me tomorrow and I am currently working on some activities to use during our Pets unit, which is next week. Hopefully some of y'all will be able to use them as a supplement. Do y'all have a time when you study pets? If not, is there a particular topic you would be interested in seeing activities for?

Have a wonderful rest of the week!


  1. Julia,
    I'm so sorry to hear about your friend's mother. I hope that your week gets better from here :) Sending you lots of hugs, smiles, and prayers :)

    Lisa :)
    Made In The Shade In Second Grade

  2. I am so sorry for your friend. I will pray for her. :)

    You will do fabulous on the NAEYC accredidation! Do not worry too much. Just do what you always do and it will be fabulous!


  3. Sending prayers for your friend! :(

    And don't stress...just do what you always do!! :)

  4. Saying some prayers for your friend...losing a parent is so hard!

  5. I'm sending my thoughts and prayers to your friend...this must be a difficult time for her. You are such a wonderful friend for helping her get through this tough time.

    ΡΌ Alessia
    Mrs. Albanese’s Kindergarten Class

  6. <3 and Roses to you. Lots of prayers. No worries, I'm positive you will do wonderful. =)
