
Tuesday, February 28, 2012

It's a Bug's Life! Insect Math and Literacy Activities!

Good morning! I wanted to let y'all know that I posted an insect unit on TPT and Teacher's Notebook. You can get an idea of what's included by looking at the preview below. There's more included in the actual unit. I'd love to get some feedback on it, so I'll send a copy to the first 2 people to comment. :)

Click here to take you to TPT.

Click here to take you to Teacher's Notebook.

Have a great day!

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Yee-Haw! Our week with Cowboy Math and Literacy Activities!

Y'all, do I "sound" so Texan with that title? HA!! I love it! I wanted to share what we've been doing in class this week.

We sorted pictures by syllables. 

This game is called "Yee-Haw" and it is played just like "Vroom, Vroom!" (Vroom, Vroom! is in my Here, There, and Everywhere activity pack). Super fun game! My kids always enjoy it. 

The kids matched number words (cowboys) to the numbers (horses), then wrote the number words on a recording sheet. This was a challenge for some, so I read the number word and had them find the number. 

The kids really enjoyed this one. They rolled 2 die, added the dots together, and dotted the sum on the cowboy. There is also a colored version available in my Cowboy Math and Literacy Activities. 

We made Texas flags. 

Roll and Record activities are always a hit in my room. I snapped a picture while this little one was in the middle of doing this activity. She was set on graphing her badge starting from the top?! Silly goose. :)

We played a memory/matching game. 

Here is a beginning sound activity we did. I was running low on time with laminating, so I stuck the clip cards in a sheet protector so the kids could clip it that way. Once the kids clipped the beginning sound, they wrote the beginning sound. I sometimes like to laminate the recording sheets so the kids can use dry erase markers. It gives it a nice little twist. :)

These were just a few of the many activities we did this week! If you'd like to purchase these on TPT, you can do so by clicking the picture below on the left. If you'd rather purchase from Teacher's Notebook, click the preview picture on the right. Tomorrow we will all dress up in our best western attire! :) We have had a great time this week and I hope you enjoyed the pictures!


Did you grab my freebie math game that goes along with the cowboy theme? Click the picture to download. 


TGIF!!!!! :)

Saturday, February 18, 2012

New Unit Uploaded

Hi blogging friends! 
Are y'all having a nice, relaxing weekend so far? I am in Oklahoma visiting family and having a great time! The weather has been rainy, so it makes for wonderful family time. However, last night I got a call saying my aunt had a heart attack. Thankfully, she is okay, so will you say a prayer for her? I'd appreciate it so much.

I just uploaded some activities that we will be using next week for our Cowboy unit. Here is the preview.

Click here to go to my TPT store or click here to go to my TN store.

I hope your weekend is full of wonderful!! :)

Monday, February 13, 2012

Last Minute Valentine's Day Ideas & Freebies!

Are you scrambling to get in your last minute Valentine's Day plans? I know I am! HA! Y'all, I really do plan ahead, but there always seems to be something I forget. Am I the only one?

I have everything printed for our Valentine's Day celebration tomorrow and wanted to share a couple things with y'all. Keep in mind, these are examples I have completed to show y'all. My little ones will do these tomorrow. :)

*I Heart You!*
Here is a beginning sound activity. The kiddos spin the spinner, identify the beginning sound of the picture, and color the letter that makes that sound. For example, if they land on the star, they would color the s. You can grab a copy by clicking the picture. 

*Rolling Hearts*
Another activity we will be doing is called Rolling Hearts. You can either have the kids create the cube or have one pre-made in which several kids can use at once. That is what I did for mine for time reasons. Otherwise, I totally would have had my kids make their own. Either way, it's a great lil' activity. This is in my Valentine's Day pack that is on sale for $1.50 until tomorrow!! :) Click the picture to purchase. :)

These are SO popular around this time of year so I thought I'd put them to use. I wrote numbers on the cubes (I found the cubes at the Dollar Tree) and the kids are going to count out candy hearts and enjoy some candies at the end. :) I have numbers 1-20 written on them.

*I Love You Because...*
Lastly, here is a writing prompt for ya. Click the picture to grab a copy. 

As the day of love approaches, I can't help but think about 1 Corinthians 13:4 and the perfect picture of love. :) "Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil, but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails."

Happy Valentine's Day, sweet friends!

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Math Game Freebie!

This week is Cowboys/Texas week at my school, so we are doing all things Cowboy! I have some fun things planned for us and I know the kids are going to enjoy it. Friday we are all going to dress up in our best cowboy attire and do some line dancing. HA! They will totally love it!

During our math centers, we will play this game called "Yee Haw" I made that I think the kids will really like. Turning learning into games is the BEST, y'all!! The children will be focusing on number recognition. The numbers in this game range from 0-75. There is a game similar to this one in my Valentine's Day pack (which is on sale for $1.50 until Tuesday!)

Hope y'all are enjoying your weekend! Have a fabulous week back!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Valentine's Day Freebie!

I am still a part of the blogging world!! :) My has just been crazy these past couple weeks. I apologize for my lack of posting! I hope y'all are doing great and having a fabulous week!

I can hardly believe that Valentine's Day is almost here! I'm telling ya, this year is going by so fast... and my wedding day is quickly approaching!!! :)

I am leaving you with a Valentine's Day freebie that we will be using next week. It is a set of number cards to use with clothespins or conversation hearts (or any other counter, of course!). Enjoy! :)

 If you're interested in my set of Valentine's Day activities, you can purchase them on Teacher's Pay Teachers or Teacher's Notebook for $3. Have a great night! :)

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

My absence, NAEYC, and a new unit on the way!

I am so sorry for my lack of posting. This has been a tough couple of days with my close friend losing her mom. I have traveled 8 hours to be with her and I am getting ready to go to the funeral and then travel another 8 hours back to Lubbock. If you don't mind, would you say a prayer for her? This is such a difficult time in her life and I want to shower her with prayers and love.

I also got word that NAEYC (National Association for the Education of Young Children) will be coming to visit our preschool within the coming weeks. This is our accreditation year, so things will be a little stressful until they come. Have y'all heard of NAEYC or have any of you been through the accreditation process? This will be my first time, so I am a bit nervous.

Things will be back to normal for me tomorrow and I am currently working on some activities to use during our Pets unit, which is next week. Hopefully some of y'all will be able to use them as a supplement. Do y'all have a time when you study pets? If not, is there a particular topic you would be interested in seeing activities for?

Have a wonderful rest of the week!