
Tuesday, December 13, 2011

What have we been up to?!

Whew! What a busy, busy couple of weeks! My kids have been so sweet and obedient lately. What teacher wouldn't love that?! :) We have absolutely LOVED doing Christmas/Winter/Gingerbread activities. It really is the most wonderful time of the year! Here are some pictures of things we have been doing. Enjoy!!

We have been practicing Random Acts of Christmas Kindness (totally inspired by The First Grade Parade) and my kiddos have LOVED it!! Their little faces light up when we show love to others. The picture above is of quarters taped to candy canes that they attached to the vending machine. This made lots of people smile.

We practiced one to one correspondence using goldfish. We also practiced division (in Pre-K?! HA! The kids had no idea). Each child drew a number card and determined whether or not each penguin could get the same amount. My little sweeties are mathematicians! :) This came from Mrs. Jump's Penguin unit. ADORABLE!!

We started our week by discussing what Christmas we talked about what Christmas is all about. I recorded their sweet answers.

One of our favorite activities was "How to make the grinch grin" and let me tell y'all, these little ones came up with some funny things!! And sweet things too. :) My favorite was "I would give him some chicken." HA!

Aren't they so CUTE?? :) Love this idea.

Moving right along......

This idea was inspired from Pinterest. Are y'all as addicted as I am?? OHMYGOSH...Every time I make something, my fiance says "Let me guess...Pinterest?" HA! He knows me too well. :)
I thought these little projects turned out TOO CUTE!! (Sorry one of those is sideways).

We played LOTS of games this week and I am just highlighting a few of the favorites. (This is a rhyming game from Mrs. Jump).

We also completed a Gingerbread Unit, which the kids LOVED!! Isn't our house pretty? They loved making the house. They ask everyday if we can make another one. :)  (Again, sorry it is sideways).

This is our sensory table. Let me tell you, my class LOVES the sensory table!! What kid doesn't though, I guess?! This week I added styrofoam "snow" and the kids measured it. It was neat to see them comparing the sides and determining how much more "snow" they needed to add or take away.

We are having a Polar Express Movie Watching party on Friday as well as our Christmas party. What a day it will be!! :) I can't wait! :)

Hope y'all are having a GREAT week!


  1. Such fun activities! Truly a special time of the year! You kids we'll have such wonderful memories.

    Happy Holidays!

    ❤ Mor Zrihen ❤
    A Teacher's Treasure

  2. Thank you for your sweet words! I love seeing them having fun while learning. :)

  3. Are those packing peanuts in your sensory table?! I've done that too!!! I might skip it this year, because the static cling from them absolutely drove me NUTS! haha but the kids do enjoy it!!

    Love your ideas! Looks like you're having so much fun in pre-k!

    Creating & Teaching

  4. Haha I know what you mean Erin! These are REALLY old (my school has had them for a LONG time!) so I think all that has worn off because it wasn't bad at all. We just have to talk about WHERE they go (on the floor or in the tub) HA!

  5. Love the reindeer poem, too cute! Looks like you guys have been pretty busy :)

  6. Julia! I'm so excited to have you as a follower on my blog!!! I'm falling in love quickly with yours!! It's great to have a pre-k friend! I love your idea of putting packing peanuts in the sensory table! I'm going to have to try that! Okay...time for me to get back to your blog : )
